Tamil Nadu Household Panel Survey (TNHPS)
தமிழ் நாட்டு குடும்பங்களின் தொடர்ச்சியான ஆய்வு
Jointly initiated by MIDS, and Government of Tamil Nadu

TNHPS Baseline Survey (BLS) 2022-23
The Tamil Nadu Household Panel Survey (TNHPS) and its subsequent waves aim to address some broad research questions, including: How do households cope with the changing economy and social circumstances and context? How do individuals acquire education, better health, and skills to improve their income and well-being? What is the pattern of change in terms of income, occupational structure, living conditions and employment status, and what factors influence these changes? Most importantly, what combination of government policies and programmes influences these changes at the household level? How do households maximise well-being during shifts in income, occupational structures, living conditions and so on?
The BLS conducted in 2022-23 is the first periodic survey of the TNHPS. With a sample size of 20,380 households, selected from the PBS (2018-19) sample frame, across 683 rural and 786 urban PSUs, it collected detailed information on eight broad themes, namely income, consumption, employment, education, health, livelihoods, basic infrastructure, and governance and social capital.

The Socio-Economic Status of Households in Tamil Nadu: Between 2018-19 and 2022-23. Draft report comparing key indicators from PBS and BLS (1) [submitted to the GoTN]
Baseline Survey – 2022-23 State Report [Draft under review]
Summary State Report [in progress]
Thematic reports: Income, consumption, employment, education, health, migration, welfare, female labour force participation [in progress]
Policy Briefs: Welfare
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